Construction Plan of Economic and Popular buildings – Lavaiano – Lari (PI)

Design: 2009/2012 – Implementation: Ongoing

The P.E.E.P. in the town of Lavaiano, near Lari, consists of two building sectors: that one number 2 is divided into two portions of land from the road laid down PRG. The part of the territory on the West side has a small number of lots where construction projects are concentrated, in particular 32 public housing units. In the territory disposed to East of the viability above mentioned the development plan orients the lots to allow the arrangement of buildings along the East-West axis in order to benefit by more efficient exposure to sunlight. The equipped green spaces are gathered in one batch placed in the center of the building intervention. One batch is provided for destination Residences Social Assisted (RSA). In implementation and fulfillment of the Implementing Rules the PEEP pursues the following essential aims:

-Every building project provides accommodation for a carport

-The open spaces shall be located and maintained as garden or parking.

-The surface with commercial purpose is assigned to neighborhood shops and / or medium sales structure.

-The final settlement of the entire area considered a homogeneous and functional relationship between public and private in relation to roads.

-The different Building types comply with characteristics of uniformity of materials that give homogeneity aspect to the entire settlement. The green spaces, the square, the streets, the car parks and the private green spaces have been designed to ensure the residents of the new district a high quality of life and at the same time every home, directly or indirectly, benefits from wide open spaces that guarantee a high degree of independence. The set appears devoid of the sense of alienating suffocation that too often characterizes the new buildings in our cities. The small size and the shape of the buildings, which are defined by the reduced number of accommodations, though referring to a condominium plant, ensure living conditions comparable to those of single homes. The organization of the interior spaces of each accommodation is essential and rational and meets the standards of the current needs of living, especially in reducing the space of hallway and then contain purchase costs.

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